Thursday, 10 November 2011

Set your heart to a path and don't move from it – 13th Feb 2011

Shalom family,

Today, reading through the life story of the famous musician Bach, I was excited to have received the following revelation in my spirit.  I would love to share it with you and may it encourage you as it has me :)  Thank You Yahweh for encouraging us to persue you :)

The red writing below was taken from the following link -

Each and every individual has a unique calling in the Kingdom, to be the hands or the feet etc.  We have each been given talents and abilities to be used by the King for His Glory.  As I looked at Bach's life, he was 1. nurtured in his talents from a young age and 2. he went to great lengths to reach his goal and desired ability in music, even if that meant walking miles and miles....

From link - This well-known incident in Bach's life involved his walking some 400 kilometres (250 mi) each way to spend time with the man he probably regarded as the father figure of German organists. The trip reinforced Buxtehude's style as a foundation for Bach's earlier works, and that he overstayed his planned visit by several months suggests that his time with the old man was of great value to his art.

There is always a new chapter in your life and Yahweh (God) will move you on to get you to the prefered destination in His Kingdom.  Don't look at the obstacles and struggles, push through.  Don't let anyone surpress the person you are inside nor your talents, Yahweh has a purpose for you.

From link - Despite his comfortable position in Arnstadt, by 1706 Bach appeared to have realised that he needed to escape from the family milieu and move on to further his career. He was offered a more lucrative post as organist at St. Blasius's in Mühlhausen, a large and important city to the north.

Learn from others who are in the same field, you can only grow more.

From the music of Italians such as Vivaldi, Corelli and Torelli, he learned how to write dramatic openings and adopted their sunny dispositions, dynamic motor-rhythms and decisive harmonic schemes.

Don't become disheartened at the length of time it takes you to get to your desired destination.  Life is all about learning and becoming better at it.  If you give up you will never know what you could have become!

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